Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Polluting Minds

For Illustration Friday: Primitive, outdated technologies and mindsets will never get us out of the ecological nightmare humanity is facing... a pencil, ink and watercolour piece from recent sketchbook pages... enjoy.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Living in a house in da country...

Some more things that somehow ended up on the pages of sketchbooks and pieces of drawing paper somebody carelessly left lying around... serves them right, I say.
And before you ask, the elephant's caption just fitted his expression, not my state of mind at that moment -- I was actually enjoying a yummy cappucino in a coffee shop in hermanus at the time :-)

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair...

Redhead -- pencil & watercolours...

Where's da beach? - pen and ink and watercolours...
Reading is good for you :-)

Quick brush and india ink sketch...
Some recent drawings, sketches and watercolours I've managed during a few creative sessions while supposedly resting the pencils while on an extended leave from the drawing board... oh, well.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rock my boat and float my world...

(click on images for full size views)

Not much new stuff happening at the moment... giving them pencils a bit of rest... so been trawling the archives for a few oldies, but goodies :-)

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