Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tossing around some paint...

Some paintings in progress... every now and then (not often enough) I get to chuck some paint at canvases... and sometimes I even like the results.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Speedos, waterwings and a dwarf

A peek at commercial work: A detail from an illustration I did for a listed property investment company... just liked the way these guys on top of the diving board came out -- both body language and silly swimming aids. This dwarf I doodled up basically by accident while inking a Madam & Eve comic strip yesterday... popped on to the page quite spontaneously when I heard my colouring assistant Maja talking about having to draw Snow White's dwarves for a children's book she's illustrating.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The sable fish and other artsy sea creatures...

A little something I doodled up in my moleskine this morning...

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