Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Unbearable Lightness of Mondays

Had quite a productive weekend for a change... working up these three pieces for the Off The Wall 2 exhibition in Durban in two weeks time -- YIKES, TWO weeks??!! Boy, am I in trouble.
Anyway -- the pieces are large drawings (80 x 120cm ) done with brush, india ink and a bit of acrylic or watercolour thrown in. Hmmm... looking at the Devil pic -- i think I need to rework that one, something's bothering me there...
PS: excuse the really crappy photographs... did them in a bit of a hurry.
Friday, April 20, 2007
It' Happy Hour, Jim. But not as we know it...

Scribbled this up during the Friday after-lunch-slump... oh man, posting two days in a row...what gives?? can this be signs of a comeback? We can live in hope... uh... buggered up pen nib, drybrush and red marker pen :-)
Labels: dark, pen and ink, shut up, thread, weird