Thursday, November 09, 2006

Goody Gumdrops!

Oh My Gawd!! -- two posts in a row, you must be dreaming...LOL. Not really -- dashing off weird shit and then off to Pietermaritzburg for a session of workshops... so no more blogging until Monday. Amazing, for once I have a legit excuse ;-)
Apologies for drawing some extremely weird stuff at the moment -- but I guess that's where my head is and I shouldn't there! The girl above sort of just happened... I then grabbed some old magic markers and kept going, quite intrigues by the hard edge she devekoped... then I got bored and added the tattoos as an afterthought. (I did however forget how magic markers bleed through the paper and messed up the previous page... idiot!)

Ditto for below -- strangestrangestrange...
Ok, enough bull.... have a shweet weekend! Blog On!!


Blogger mike said...

That monkey's hung like the donkey next to him.

9:47 am  
Blogger Rico said...

Hee-hee -- well spotted, dude :-)

9:51 am  
Blogger Jason said...

Sheesh, that a green mamba on that monkey?

ho ho

12:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

testung, testing, is this thing on?

3:22 pm  

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